Tuesday, May 20, 2014

On My Birthday

On my birthday, the birds are always singing. The grass is lush and the trees finally have their leaves.

On my birthday, the air is thick with the smell of lilacs. The flowers bloom and the bees buzz.

On my birthday, my nails are dark with dirt. Veggie sprouts grow strong and flower stalks grow sturdy.

Garden is planted! May 18th

Zinnia in Bloom May 20th

On my birthday, snow in May is unimaginable. The sun is shining and the sky is blue.

A Salvia bud poised to bloom

On my birthday, three months of summer lie ahead. Plans are made and anticipation grows.

Scout saying "Happy Birthday" to me this morning, May 20th
On my birthday, I feel like I'm getting a life-long, love-filled hug from the universe.


  1. Happy Birthday, my love! You embody the budding and blossoming of spring. Cheers to another year of cultivating our life and love together.

  2. Spring gives you a beautiful energy that you will carry with you all year! So happy to be your friend on your birthday and every day!
