Friday, June 3, 2011

Living Downstream Documentary Film

I was thrilled to see that one of the most informative, eye-opening and personally influential books I've read has been turned into an amazing film.
Check out the Living Downstream website

"Published in 1997, Living Downstream was the first book to bring together toxics-release data—finally made available under right-to-know-laws—and newly released cancer registry data. Sandra is also the first to trace with such compelling precision the entire web of connections between our bodies and the ecological world in which we eat, drink, breathe, and work." -

Living Downstream is by cancer survivor Sandra Steingraber, Ph.D. The book examines the link between environmental carcinogens and their often hidden link to rising rates and clusters of cancer patients -- clusters of high cancer rates in regions that are especially exposed to carcinogens resulting from synthetic chemicals such as pesticides.

Sandra is a Pekin, IL native and was diagnosed with bladder cancer when she was 20. Driven by the question that many cancer patients ask, "Why me?", Sandra spent years researching in medical libraries. After so many signs pointed to environmental factors, Sandra spent the four years years of her doctoral fellowship at Harvard researching the link between synthetic chemicals and human cancer (there is also an abundance of evidence involving animal cancer).

After years of research in libraries, Sandra returned to her hometown of Pekin to delve into her ecological roots. This return became the making of her internationally acclaimed book Living Downstream. More than ten years later, there is much more evidence for the claims Sandra makes, and backs up by scientific evidence, so a second edition of the book was published in April of 2010.

Please take the time to visit the link posted above to educate yourself on this eye-opening subject. Hopefully the information you find will change the way you view the food you eat and the ever-changing world around you the way it did for me.

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