Yes! I've succeeded in getting pictures posted. And now they are outdated. Oh well, newer ones to come.
In the process of re-vamping the previous owners' dog pen. To the left is future Xeriscaping. To the right are veggie beds and wildflowers. |
It took many weekends of digging up weeds and T-bars to simply get this part of the yard to look like a dirt patch. I was most likely weeding when the above picture was taken. That's our 7mo. old dog, Scout standing by the wheelbarrow. She hates being separated from me when I'm working behind the garden fence.
Flowers discussed in June 2nd post in front and rear, two garden beds, flagstone path and wildflowers seedlings |
There were old Lilac bushes lining the entirety of the back fence. We pulled up all of the old, dead and dieing Lilacs and trimmed up the rest. You can see a couple of the remaining buses near the back fence. One of them shades a Zucchini in one bed -- the veggie I thought could stand the most shade. The bloomed so profusely during the beginning of May that a wave of sweet-smelling Lilac goodness washed over you anytime you walked out of the house.
Four types of hot peppers, sweet onions, germinating carrots, three types of tomatoes, two types of squash and chocolate sweet pepper |
I've learned that you have to be very patient with peppers. They are slower growing than most and they seem pretty fragile, too.
Wildflower patch contains two Hollyhocks, three Coneflowers, Coreopsis, Lupine, Bee Balm and constantly reappearing weeds. |
It's been a real challenge trying to tell the difference between sprouting weeds and wildflowers from the seed that we spread over a month ago. I'm not sure how the wildflower patch will turn out, but I always plant wildflower seeds with the vision of a lush, vigorously growing area of gorgeous, varying wildflowers. Someday I'll get there!
Strawberry plants |
Squirrels LOVE strawberries...almost as much as they love picking the seeds out of growing sunflowers (we've learned from experience in both areas). We've lost two or three new berries to the squirrel and as soon as I see a new one growing, I'm putting chicken wire around these. Fresh, home-grown strawberries are more important to me than aesthetics.
Window boxes contain Trailing Petunias, Zinnias and Snapdragons |
I bought home-grown, organic Zinnias, Marigolds and Calendulas from a lady who posted an add on Craig's List a while back. I planted them all right away and watched as each succumbed to the forces of wind and/or the resident squirrel. Now, I only have one Marigold left from the beginning bunch. I had to buy all of those healthy plants you see above (other than the lonely Marigold seen bottom left). Luckily, I recently had a birthday and asked for a
Bath Garden Center gift card.
I planted Belleflowers and Minifamous annuals under the mailbox |
The previous owners had a nice and fresh bunch of fake flowers planted below the mailbox. I can't believe it took me a month to replace them with real plants. I chose trailing types of flowers for the container with the vision of vivid flowers cascading over the edges. We're not there yet, but they are remaining healthy and are a step above the fake stuff.
It's taken me so long to post all of these pictures that I've got to hurry and post new pictures...of our HAIL-DAMAGED(!!) garden. This weekend will be full of damage-control as well as our already planned landscaping work. We are planning on edging and landscaping the area to the left of the fenced-in garden with river rock, cobbles and eventually xeric (low-water) plants that I recently bought with my b-day gift cards to
High Country Gardens, my new gardening obsession.
Tip: While it's certainly encouraged to have high hopes for your garden, remember that it takes lots of time and hard work.
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